Saturday 15 November 2014

Carl Brashear, a Source of Inspiration

Carl Brashear, an Inspiration Source Humans, been what we are, more often than not have this general believe that our lives and very existence has been predestined by God, our supreme being. True as this may be, we does face a whole lot of challenges and obstacles before the destiny is fulfilled. On a beautiful day of january 19, 1931, a great man was born in Toneville, kentucky. This man happens to be the sixth of eight children to a sharecropper, whose family later relocated to a farm in Sonora, Kentucky in the year 1935. This great man is no other than Carl Brashear of the United State Navy. Carl Brashear had always wanted to be a military man. He has tried enlisting in the U.S. Army, but was denied the opportunity. He however, did not let go of his dream and was fortunate enough to get the opportunity in the U.S. Navy. The most amazing thing about Carl Brashear, was his outstanding achievements in the face of all odds and adversity. He was bullied and antagonised by almost everybody around for choosing to be in the Navy, for choosing to to be a Navy Diver, and also, for ever nursing the ambition of making the rank of Master Diver or Master Chief Diver in the prestigious U.S. Navy. Despite all the criticsms, all the challenges and obstacles, this man stayed strong, determined and focused. It paid off in the end becaused, Carl Brashear did not only achieve his dream, Brashear made history, set records and he is and will always remain a source of inspiration to many and many generations yet unborn. If Carl Brashear of a noble background could make the pretigious U.S. Navy, even when many thought he does not deserve to, and went ahead to win many of the pretigious U.S. Navy awards, if Bashear could become a U.S. Navy Diver in the face of racism. Most outstandingly, if Carl Brashear could make thr rank of a Master Diver and Master Chief Diver, even as an amputee, he truly is a source of inspiration. He proved the saying by one of my role model, Napoleon Hill that, “ whatever the mind concieve and believe, it can achieve”. And that, “ you can, if only you can”. An amputee diver, who became the first African-American Master Diver and Chief Master Diver in the U.S. Navy and could serve for ten more years after amputation and was able make this rating in the process. All along, Brashear was spur by his faith that, it’s not and will never be a sin to get knocked down, but a sin to stay down” and that “ He isn’t going to let anyone steal away his dream from him”.
Carl Brashear was able to achieve his dream despite several challenges. Who say you can do the same? You can only do it better. You will be faced by obstacles and challenges on your way to greatness. Do not give up, stay strong, stay focused, and that dream of yours will one day become a reality. Carl Brashear did it, Nelson Mandela did it, Barak Obama did it, keep doing it and let the spirit of Carl Brashear live on.

Monday 10 November 2014


Nigeria as a nation is a blessed country filled with gold, milk and honey. Even at that however, our most important blessing lay in our human resources, cultural and bio-diversity, with well over 200 diverse ethnicities. An average nigerian is highly industrous, energetic, hard working, yet, very religiously ungodly. A nigerian, whether muslim, christian or a traditionist, will, at the slightest opportunity identify with his or her religion. In nigeria, a man or woman dressed religiously either in the islamic, christianic or traditional way will naturally be accorded maximum respect in public. On the contrary however, when an average nigerian assumes leadership or a position of authority , the reverse seems to always be the case. We suddenly seems to have forgotten all about the very existence of God the supereme being, our spiritual believe and uprightness. Which all along seems to be what we have always uphold, believed in and live for. This is exactly the case of our present day nigerian political system. A system where corruption is upheld and encouraged in high esteem. A political system where few are rich and many are poor, a system value is no longer attached to her own educational system and it’s products, a system governed by laws and constitutions meant purely for the poor and non-influential, a system where crime and indiscipline is praised with utmost enthusiasm as long as it has some naira and kobo values behind it as a motivating factor. The current political dispensation is gradually coming to an ovoidable utmost end. Our big men and politicians are at it again, running helter skelter. Either trying to get re-elected or looking for a suitable candidate to cover all their loop holes and dirty tracks. THE BIG GUESTIONS are; What happens to the struggles and sacrifies of our fore fathers and past leaders who faught endlessly for the freedom, emacipation and togetherness of our mother-land nigeria? Does our leaders and those in position of authority ever think of the likes of Alhaji Tafawa Balewa, Sir Nnamdi Azikiwe, Chief Obafemi Awolowo. Will they allow all their effort to go in vain? What happen to the sacrifies of our war heroes. The soldiers that faught the nigerian-biafran civil war, those who went for countless peace keeping missions, those who are still battling the nigerian Boko Haram insurgency, all in an attempt to keep the strings of our brotherliness intact? In the face of confusing transparency of nigerian polity, what is the faith of negeria and nigerians after the up coming 2015 general elections?